Follow me on this crazy adventure to figure out what works, what's safe, and what's truly good for you

About Me

Over the past year or so, I've flirted with the idea of starting a blog but I hadn't found my niche, that one area that I could go on and on about that people might actually want to read. Adding that I don't really know much about blogs, it continued to be a peripheral thought - one that I'd come back to if I ever really found a passion, but not one in which I was investing too much time or energy. In its place, I discovered (and quickly became addicted to) Pinterest. So instead of acting on the idea of creating a blog, I started building pinboards. One board in particular, my Healthy is as Healthy does board, has become quite popular. (WARNING: I'm a pin addict and much of this blog and my healthy board will go back and forth.) I quickly reached several hundred (now almost 1,500) strangers following my healthy board which caught me off guard. That's when I realized that so many people really are trying to get healthy.

But even if they have the motivation and the self-control and persistence needed to see it through, there is still so much contradicting information out there that success may not be as simple as working hard for it. There's such a gigantic web of contradicting ideas and "facts" that simply trying to be responsible and lead a healthy life is quite daunting. I'm no expert, but I've spent time researching and using my God-given common sense to try and unravel the mysteries of what is healthy and what is not. I have not limited this to only diet and exercise but have also looked for the truth about skincare and hygiene products, sunscreen, makeup, etc. and have tried to get healthier in all areas of my life. This blog is to serve as a way for me to organize and share my findings on what is truly healthy. While it will focus primarily on eating right and exercising, it will also cover topics from financial health to mental health. In addition, I hope it is a source of encouragement for myself, my family & friends, and anyone who stumbles upon here to get fit and live healthy. It's my adventure through what works and what doesn't on the path to Whole Health. Will you join me on it?

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